Dung Beetles Are Aliens!

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Science Fiction
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ADRIFT IntroComp 2009
2nd place of 11
Dung Beetles Are Aliens!
Author(s) Duncan Bowsman
Publisher(s) n/a
Release date(s) 31-May-2009
Authoring system ADRIFT 4
Platform(s) ADRIFT 4
Language(s) English
License(s) Freeware
Color effects none
Graphics yes: ASCII art
Sound/Music none
Cruelty scale Cruelty to be determined

How It Begins

The game begins with the MAWINDEX main menu, which greets you by name (Doctor Fitzwold) and today's date (09/14/1985), and eight options: Mailbox, Archives, Word processor, Introduction, Network access, Domestic tasks, Energize UFO Laser Defence Unit, and EXIT. (If this is your first time playing, you may want to start with Introduction.)

When you exit the main menu, you find yourself in your laboratory. You are an entomologist, and have been studying insects here for the SETI program for the last eleven years. You are wearing a lab coat. Your lab is home to your specimen table, your MAWINDEX mainframe computer, and a ceiling fan. You'll probably want to do something about those dung beetles you read about. And maybe some other problems as well.

(Note: The intro version of the game appears to be limited to MAWINDEX access and the lab.)

Notable Features

  • The Zegathean slug NPC is rendered with facial expressions in ASCII art.


ADRIFT IntroComp Release


General info

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