Transparent (by Ondricek)

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IF Comp 2014
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Transparent is a haunted house exploration game by Hanon Ondricek. The player is a photographer hired to capture still images for the production of a "ghost hunter" type reality television show. This particular episode is set within a historical residence that was shuttered after being a tourist attraction for many years.

The game, when played in a Glulx interpreter that supports multimedia, makes use of sound effects and to a lesser extent, graphical images..

Transparent small cover.jpg
Author(s) Hanon Ondricek
Publisher(s) n/a
Release date(s) 01-Oct-2014
Authoring system Inform 7
Platform(s) Glulx
Language(s) English
License(s) Freeware
Color effects TBD
Graphics TBD
Sound/Music yes (optional)
Cruelty scale Cruelty to be determined

How It Begins

You shut off the van. The GPS freaked out and lost signal a mile or two back, but this must be the place. There's nothing else for miles.

A gust of wind whips your hair for a second as you get out of the vehicle, then everything goes strangely still. The air is unseasonably warm for October and you probably didn't need to wear such a heavy coat.

You can't even see a house through the overgrowth of trees tangling up from behind the high brick wall to the north. If it weren't for the wall, there would be no indication of anything substantial here at all.

All right. Get your camera out of the van and get in there. Take as many pictures as possible to maximize profit and offer lots of options. The more they can use your photos in the episode, the more you get paid. Socialize as little as possible with the Second Unit crew--they never have anything interesting to say to you except "Gettin' good shots?"

This shouldn't take more than an hour or two.


Competition release

Version 7

  • Transparent (Hanon Ondricek; Glulx).

Version 7.3

  • Transparent (Hanon Ondricek; Glulx).


General info



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