Jacqueline A. Lott
From IFWiki
Note: Jacqueline's nickname on the ifMUD is Jacqueline. She likes the word "isquiesque" and lives in Hawai'i.
Author Credits
- The Waterhouse Women (2002; Z-code). IntroComp 2002: Third Runner-Up.
- The Invisible Argonaut (2003; Z-code). Speed-IF Argonaut.
- The Fire Tower (2004; Z-code). 2004 IF Art Show: Best of Show. Winner of Best Setting at the XYZZY Awards 2004.
- Things (with Sam Kabo Ashwell; 2004; TADS 2). Speed-IF >= 20.
- Within a Wreath of Dewdrops, or, A Poisoned Zenith (Sam Kabo Ashwell, Jacqueline A. Lott, both as "Alphonse de l'Entaille"; 2005; Z-code). Third 24 Hours of Inform.
- The Corn Identity (the 1st IF Whispers Team; 2005; Z-code). IF Whispers.
- In Search of Velocitas fictus (26-Aug-2007; Z-code). Speed-IF Introcomp.
- House of Dream of Moon (the 3rd IF Whispers Team; 06-Dec-2007; Z-code). IF Whispers.
- Not the Same Old Lang Syne (30-Dec-2007; Z-code). New Year's Speed.
- What Happens in Vagueness ("The IFW4 Team"; 26-Aug-2008; Z-code). IF Whispers.
- Vortex 2305 (27-Mar-2010; Z-code). PAX Speed-IF.
- In Memory (07-May-2011; ADRIFT 4). Indigo New Language Speed-IF.
- You are a Turkey! (27-Nov-2011; Z-code). Thanksgiving Speed-IF.
- Fingertips: I Hear the Wind Blow (26-Mar-2012; Glulx). Apollo 18+20: The IF Tribute Album.
- Disenchantment Bay (06-Jan-2013; Z-code). The ultimate not numbered New Year's Speed IF.
Review and Article Credits
- IF Comp reviews: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2016.
- Reviews of 2007 IF Art Show.
- Reviews of One Room Game Competition: 2007 and 2008.
- Reviews of French Minicomp 2008. (French translation.)
- Reviews of EnvComp.
- Review of Fine Tuned.
- Review of Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It.
- Reviews for SPAG.
- Reviews for Interactive Fiction Reviews Organization.
- Wrote spoilery reviews with Sam Kabo Ashwell about: Syberia, Syberia 2, Myst IV, NiBiRu and Runaway 2.
Organizational Credits
- Organizer of IF Comp 2018, IF Comp 2019, IF Comp 2020, IF Comp 2021, IF Comp 2022.
- Organizer for IntroComp from 2003 to 2017.
- Organizer for ClubFloyd.
- Was an official judge for EnvComp.
- On the advisory board for the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
Testing Credits
- Fine Tuned (Dennis Jerz as "Dionysius Porcupine"; 2001; Z-code 8).
- Necrotic Drift (Robb Sherwin; 2004; Hugo).
- A New Life (Alexandre Owen Muñiz; 01-Oct-2005; Z-code 5).
- Floatpoint (Emily Short; 30-Sep-2006; Glulx).
- Lost Pig (Admiral Jota; 30-Sep-2007; Z-code 8).
- Varkana (Maryam Gousheh-Forgeot; 30-Sep-2007; Glulx).
- Jack Toresal and The Secret Letter (Michael Gentry and David A. Cornelson, illustrator: Erika Swanson, publisher: Textfyre; 26-Jun-2009; FyreVM).
- Sand-dancer (Aaron Reed and Alexei Othenin-Girard; 16-Aug-2010; Z-code).
Game Appearances
Cameo appearance:
- Yay Games (David Welbourn; 2004; Z-code). Jacqueline is one of many attendees at XYZZY Awards 2003.
As a reference only:
- The Day I shot ... (Marius Müller as "Taleslinger"; 2007; Z-code). One of the songs in the kitchen is "Fire Tower" by Jacqueline A. Lott.
- AllThingsJacq.com - Jacqueline's website.
- Jacqueline A. Lott (archived) - at Baf's Guide.
- Tips from interactive fiction authors – Jacqueline A. Lott: 1 and 2 - October 2010.
- Interview with Jacqueline A. Lott, conducted by Duncan Bowsman - InsideADRIFT Issue 41, February 2012.
- Small Talk... with Jacqueline A. Lott - What's New in IF?, issue 20, 31-Aug-2024.