
From IFWiki
Author(s) Lou Ferrand, Maria Rabarison, Michaël Schwartz, and Grégoire Yakan
Publisher(s) n/a
Release date(s) 08-Jun-2011
Authoring system Inform 7
Platform(s) Z-code
Language(s) English
License(s) Freeware
Color effects TBD
Graphics TBD
Sound/Music TBD
Cruelty scale Cruelty to be determined

How It Begins

You might be anyone, carrying nothing, in the parking entrance of the Paris Descartes University. Two elevators are here, a big one and a small one, facing each other.

Notable Features

  • Likely incomplete. There's little do to but walk from the parking entrance to a pitch black room off the Master MIAGE hallway. There are no portable objects, and almost no non-portable objects either. There is no obvious goal.
  • The game might be a classroom project. "MIAGE" means "Méthodes informatiques appliquées à la gestion des entreprises" (Computer methods applied to company management), and is a type of French diploma (most likely a Master's Degree) -- the purpose of this game is unknown for now.
  • Hints can be found here, but they do not seem to correspond to the final game.
  • A twitter account was created to go along with the project here


Release 1


General info

  • TUID wanted. (Please replace this line with a ifdb game template.)