Shamelessly Slutty: Teacher

From IFWiki

Porn / Erotica
Porn / Erotica
Green comp ribbon.png
2006 AIF Mini-comp
6th place of 8
Shamelessly Slutty: Teacher
Author(s) Rip_CPU
Publisher(s) n/a
Release date(s) 07-Apr-2006
Authoring system ADRIFT 3.9
Platform(s) ADRIFT 3.9
Language(s) English
License(s) Freeware
Color effects none
Graphics none
Sound/Music none
Cruelty scale Cruelty to be determined

How It Begins

I am Claire Veranda, one hot history teacher at St. Mark's High School, an all-boys private school. I'm wearing a crimson business jacket, matching pants, and a white shirt. My classroom has a "blackboard" and my cluttered desk. I've been trying to tutor Michael Veres, here, for hours, but he doesn't seem to remember anything.

The word has come down that the boys' grades are unacceptably low, and it's up to us teachers to improve them. I had better talk to Michael and, if necessary, provide some unorthodox incentive.

Notable Features

  • First person present, e.g.: the game might say "I am in my classroom" instead of "You are in your classroom."


Competition Version

  • Shamelessly Slutty: Teacher (Rip_CPU; 07-Apr-2006; ADRIFT 3.9).
    • IFID wanted. (Please replace this line with a babel template.)
    • AIF Minicomp 2006: 6th place overall of 8 games. Also ranked 5th in the Hotness and Enjoyment categories, 6th in Concept/Writing and Characters, and 8th in Characters.
    • Download from Shadow Vault.
    • Note: There is a readme file called Readme.txt.


General info

  • TUID wanted. (Please replace this line with a ifdb game template.)