Concours de Fiction Interactive Francophone 2024

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Concours de Fiction Interactive Francophone 2024
Part of series Concours de Fiction Interactive Francophone
Organisers CrocMiam, Ju / smwhr
IFDB event page Event
IFDB series page Series
Event dates
Submissions begin 31 Mar 2023
Submissions due 4 Mar 2024
Voting begins 4 Mar 2024
Voting ends 4 Apr 2024
Results announced 8 Apr 2024
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Concours de Fiction Interactive Francophone 2024 is the 17th French competition in this series. The organizer was Ju / smwhr. The themes, illusion and venu d'ailleurs (approx. coming from elsewhere), were chosen by popular vote.


The complete rules (in French) are here.

  • The entry must be in French (though games with multiple languages are also accepted).
  • The entry mush be a new game in French at the end of the Comp. The page must also be private until the voting periods starts.
  • The entry must correspond to the "Interactive Fiction" and/or "Narrative Game" definition. This includes parsers, choice-based games, visual novels, or any other medium where the interactive piece puts text in the foreground.


  • Submission deadline: March 04, 2024, 12:00 PM.
  • Voting starts: March 04, 2024, 12:01 PM.
  • Voting deadline: April 04, 2024, 02:00 PM.
  • The results will be announced on: April 08, 2024, 09:30 PM on twitch.


  • Prix d'Excellence Littéraire : rewarding the best prose, tone, rhythm, and anything that one would find pretty in a text.
  • Prix d'Excellence Technique : rewarding the technical implementation, use or creation of tool to showcase the interactive narration.
  • Prix d'Excellence en Design Narratif : rewarding and encouraging new ways of interaction, new gameplay, or new ways of exploring the medium
  • Meilleur Usage du Thème : rewarding the game using the theme the best.
  • Meilleur Jeu : rewarding the best game overall



Meilleur Jeu

  1. Le Dernier Serment
  2. Vesna
  3. Le chaudron d'Anaritium
  5. Sur l'inévitable

Meilleur Usage du Thème

  1. Vesna
  2. Un Songe sans fin
  3. Sur l'inévitable
  4. Le Dernier Serment
  5. Le chaudron D'Anaritium

Prix d'Excellence en Design Narratif

  1. Le chaudron D'Anaritium
  2. Vesna
  3. Immobilistes
  4. Le Dernier Serment (tie)
  5. Sur l'inévitable (tie)

Prix d'Excellence Technique

  1. Le Dernier Serment
  2. Le chaudron D'Anaritium
  3. Les Trois-cités : les préludes d'une odyssée
  4. Sur l'inévitable
  5. Vesna

Prix d'Excellence Littéraire

  1. Le chaudron D'Anaritium
  2. Larme à gauche
  3. L'Orsimonous
  4. Une foyer étudiant
  5. Panique à Mandonez

