Lance Cirone
From IFWiki
Lance Cirone is an interactive fiction author and reviewer.
Author Credits
- Sprinklepills! (2023; Twine)
- Eliza's Unbearable Awkward Reunion! (2023; Twine)
- Jimin, Ari, and Shush (2023; Inform 7; IntroComp 2023)
- Bradisson Rayburn's Revenge! (2024; Inform 7)
Testing Credits
- Assembly (Ben Kirwin; 01-Oct-2023; Inform 7)
- Death on the Stormrider (Daniel Stelzer; 01-Oct-2023; Inform 7)
- Honk! (Alex Harby; 01-Oct-2023; Inform 7)
- The Finders Commission (Deborah Sherwood; 01-Oct-2023; Twine)
- Never Gives Up Her Dead (Mathbrush; 22-Dec-2023; Inform 7)
- SECRETMART: Cryptspace Constraint! (serendiff; 13-Apr-2024; Inform 7)
- Hildy (J. Michael; 01-Jul-2024; Inform 7)
- A Train to Piccadilly (Marco Innocenti; 29-Dec-2024; Inform 6)