Category:Inform 7 authors
From IFWiki
This category lists authors of works of interactive fiction written with the Inform 7 authoring system.
See also: Inform 7 works and Inform 7 extension authors.
Pages in category "Inform 7 authors"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 552 total.
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- Michael R. Bacon
- Baldur, Elliot, Grant, and Greg
- Bill Balistreri
- Michael Baltes
- Kate Barnard
- Pippin Barr
- Sean Barrett
- Chuck Bartholomew
- David Batterham
- Ryan Beehler
- Begferdeth
- Lorne P. Benore
- Caroline Berg
- Birion
- Bitter Karella
- Ed Blair
- Steve Blanding
- Tom Blawgus
- Emily Boegheim
- Jens Bojaryn
- A. Bomire
- Mike Bonsall
- Nolan Bonvouloir
- MonsieurBouc
- Duncan Bowsman
- Colleen Boye
- Bpsp
- Onno Brouwer
- Brown Cow
- Andrew Brown
- Eric Brown
- Teela Brown
- Silas Bryson
- Brad Buechner
- Alex Butterfield
- Neil Butters
- Jens Byriel
- Lance Campbell
- Captain Midnight
- Roger Carbol
- Javier Carrascosa
- Cascadian Patriot
- Anthony Casteel
- John Cater
- Phillip Chambers
- Charlie the Spiffy
- Ben Chenoweth
- Steph Cherrywell
- Renee Choba
- Chrisamaphone
- Simon Christiansen
- Danielle Christie
- Nathan Chung
- Lance Cirone
- Mike Ciul
- Wade Clarke
- J. D. Clemens
- Charm Cochran
- Ben Collins-Sussman
- Mike Combs
- Harris Conger
- Chris Conley
- Riff Conner
- Drew Cook
- Michael Cook
- Corax
- David Cornelson
- Cpuguy
- Nicholas A. Crabtree
- Jeremy Crockett
- Ben Croshaw
- Thomas Cross
- Evan Crowder
- Ricardo Dague
- Lynnea Dally
- Chris Daniels
- Dave (aka Doug Egan)
- N Day
- Justin de Vesine
- Deathalicious
- Def
- Robert DeFord
- Simon Deimel
- Dominic Delabruere
- Alan DeNiro
- Depresiv
- James Dessart
- Jason Devlin
- Giacomo di Valenti
- Bruno Dias
- Arthur DiBianca
- James Dingle
- Divarin
- Divine Marquis
- Jeremy Douglass
- Dan Doyle III
- Drunken Bastard
- Marc Duane
- Rob Dubbin
- Dudeman
- Isaac Dudney
- Vivienne Dunstan
- Molly G.
- Daphne Gabrieli
- Lester Galin
- Eleanor Gang
- Leena Ganguli
- David Garcia
- Pete Gardner
- Molly Geene
- Andrew Geng
- Michael Gentry
- Christophe Géradon
- Mike Gerwat
- Daniele Giardini
- Josh Giesbrecht
- Erin Gigglecreek
- Victor Gijsbers
- Lisa Gilbert
- Harry Giles
- David Given
- Lynnea Glasser
- Jakob Gleby
- Federico Gobbo
- Sebastiano Gobbo
- Alex Godofsky
- Steffen Görzig
- John Goettle
- Hazel Gold
- Luis Gonzalez
- David Good
- Bahri Gordebak
- Sam Gordon
- Maryam Gousheh-Forgeot
- Josh Graboff
- Stephen Granade
- Allyson Gray
- Jeff Greer
- Grégory
- Gretchen, Kate, Alanah, and Will
- Grey
- Val Grimm
- Chandler Groover
- Alice Grove
- The Guardian's Gamesblog Community
- J. J. Guest
- Daniel Gunnell
- Carter Gwertzman