One Room Game Competition 2002

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One Room Game Competition 2002
Part of series One Room Game Competition
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The first One Room Game Competition was organized by Sauron. Six games, all in Italian, were submitted.


  • May 1, 2002: Intent deadline.
  • June 15, 2002: Submissions deadline at midnight.
  • June 16, 2002: Games released. Voting period begins.
  • July 7, 2002: Voting period ends.


In Order of Placement:

  1. L'artificiere (Paolo Lucchesi, Sting1, Percy; Z-code).
  2. Natalie (Fabrizio Venerandi; M.A.C.).
  3. Il sottomarino giallo (Schopenauer; Z-code).
  4. La capsula (BaR; Adventure System 2.0).
  5. Il caso Luisa Bianchi (Matteo Oliva; Basic).
  6. Il deserto senza sole (Salkaner il Nero; YaBasic).
