Post-Comp-Comp 2009

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Post-Comp-Comp 2009
Part of series [[]]
Website [http:// ]
Organiser Sarah Morayati
IFDB event page Event
IFDB series page Series

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The Post-Comp-Comp was a juried competition organized by Sarah Morayati. To enter this comp, one must have entered a game in IF Comp 2009, because all entries were post-comp versions of IF Comp games, which were judged on their improvement over the comp version. Most of the IF Comp rules continued to apply to this comp, except the rule about previously released works and the rule about authors discussing their own work. There was a $50 USD prize for first place.


  • Intents deadline: January 2, 2010 at 11:59 p.m.
  • Submission deadline: January 31, 2010, at 11:59 p.m.
  • Voting deadline: originally February 28, 2010; extended to March 15, 2010.


Post-comp versions of:

First place:

Second place:

