Lieux Communs
From IFWiki
Lieux Communs | |
Author(s) | JB, Samuel Verschelde, Eric Forgeot, Hugo Labrande, and Jean-Luc Pontico |
Publisher(s) | n/a |
Release date(s) | 15-Jun-2007 |
Authoring system | Inform 6 |
Platform(s) | Glulx and Z-code 8 |
Language(s) | French |
License(s) | Creative Commons |
Multimedia | |
Color effects | none |
Graphics | optional |
Sound/Music | optional |
Ratings | |
Cruelty scale | Cruelty to be determined |
How It Begins
The player is wandering in a distant place, and discovers an abandonned caravan. After a quick exploration, the player can experience new places and worlds by finding some objets in the caravan...
Notable Features
Trivia & Cultural References
Original versions (Text or Multimedia)
- Lieux Communs (JB a.k.a. "Le Jibe", Samuel Verschelde a.k.a. "Stormi", Eric Forgeot a.k.a. "Otto Grimwald", Hugo Labrande a.k.a. "Mule Hollandaise", and Jean-Luc Pontico; 15-Jun-2007; Z-code & Glulx; French).
- Release 1 / Serial number 070615 / Inform v6.31 Library 6/11 S
- Other contributors: Stab provided the introductory graphic. Beta-testers were Eriorg and Rémi Verschelde a.k.a. "Akien".
- HP Lovecraft: The Commonplace Book Project 2007 entry.
- Glulx: IFID: GLULX-1-070615-344D5F65
IFID links: IFDB - Z-code: IFID: ZCODE-1-070615-2309
IFID links: IFDB
Also available from the game's site: This zipfile contains the source code, both the Glulx and Z-code versions of the game, plus a Windows Z-code interpreter.
- Lieux Communs (same authors; 10-Sep-2007; Z-code & Glulx; French).
- Glulx: IFID: GLULX-4-070910-5417046C
IFID links: IFDB - Z-code: IFID: ZCODE-4-070910-BB65
IFID links: IFDB - IFIDs mentioned on page.
- Glulx: IFID: GLULX-4-070910-5417046C
Latest Glulx version (Multimedia)
- Lieux Communs (same authors; 06-Jun-2009; Glulx; French).
- Release 4 / Serial number 090606 / Inform v6.31 Library 6/11 S
- IFID: GLULX-4-090606-FE092C7B
IFID links: IFDB - Download lieuxcommuns.blb from the game's site.
Latest Z-code version (Text only)
- Lieux Communs (same authors; 06-Jun-2009; Z-code 8; French).
- Release 4 / Serial number 090606 / Inform v6.31 Library 6/11 S
- IFID: ZCODE-4-090606-B29F
IFID links: IFDB - Download lieuxcommuns.z8 from the game's site.
General info
- JEU : Lieux Communs - Homepage of the game.
- Lieux Communs - on
- Lieux Communs - at IFDB.
- Lieux Communs (portal) - 2007's work at 50 Years of Text Games (with El Museo de las Consciencias).
- Lieux Communs - at ifwizz interactive fiction (in German).
- Solution in plain text, by the authors.
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