Authoring systems for parser-based IF

From IFWiki

This list shows stable authoring systems that can be used to create Parser-based interactive fiction. They are listed in date order (latest release first).

Authoring system Link Style System Multimedia support Updated
PunyInform Download Run online Parser Browser, Windows, macOS, Linux, MS-DOS, Classic Mac OS, Acorn Archimedes, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Other 2025-01-21
Donjon FI Run online Parser Browser It support different colors schemes and styles that can be changed during the game. You can add images, sounds and musics. 2024-11-17
ThinBASIC Adventure Builder Download Parser Windows Graphics: jpg, png, bmp, gif

Sound: wav, ogg, mp3, aiff, mod FMVideo: wmv

Inform 6 Download Run online Parser Browser, Windows, macOS, Linux 2024-02-10
INSTEAD Download Run online Parser, Choice, Parser-choice hybrid Browser, Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, Other graphics, sound 2023-09-01
Inform 7 Download Run online Parser Windows, macOS, Linux, browser 2022-08-31
A-code (Dave Platt) Download Parser Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Other No multimedia as such, but browser builds can support games making use of all HTML capabilities, giving latent multimedia support. 2022-01-04
Hugo Parser Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android Multimedia depends on the interpreter 2021-09-25
FrobTADS Download Parser macOS, Linux, Other color effects 2021-05-09
Dialog Download Run online Parser, Choice Browser, Windows, Linux graphics 2021-01-02
Adventure Definition Language Download Parser Windows, Linux, Commodore Amiga No multimedia 2020-09-25
ADRIFT Download Parser Windows 2020-09-12
ZILF Parser Windows, macOS, Linux 2019-08-11
Tale Download Parser Windows, Linux Runs as a server, hence all web media supported. 2019-02-21
TADS 3 Download Parser Windows, macOS, Linux Color, Graphics, Sound 2016-03-07
TADS 2 Download Parser Windows, macOS, Linux Color, Graphics, Sound 2016-03-07
Archetype Download Parser Linux, macOS, Windows 2014-01-01
ADLAN Download Parser Amstrad CPC Graphics (disk-based games) 1989-01-01
Graphic Adventure Creator Parser BBC Micro/Acorn Electron, Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64/128, Sinclair ZX Spectrum Line-and-fill images
PAW Download Parser MS-DOS, CP/M, BBC Micro/Acorn Electron, Amstrad CPC, Amstrad PCW, Sinclair ZX Spectrum Multimedia support varies by platform; by default it includes sound (Spectrum), line-and-fill images (Spectrum), bitmap graphics (CPC), custom fonts, coloured text (Spectrum), and UDGs (Spectrum); but also executing external code routines allow other options.
The Quill Download Parser MS-DOS, BBC Micro/Acorn Electron, Amstrad CPC, Apple II, Atari 400/800, Commodore 64/128, Oric-1/Atmos, Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Sinclair QL, Other Multimedia support varies by platform but usually includes coloured text, sound, and line-and-fill images.
STAC Download Parser Atari ST sound, graphics, loading screen
Adventure Builder System Download Parser Sinclair ZX Spectrum Usual ZX Spectrum graphics, sound & colour effects.

To see all Parser authoring systems, including ones that may not be stable, you can use the search form or drilldown page.

Note: To update information about an authoring system, please go to its IFWiki page and choose "Edit with form." This list of authoring systems will be updated automatically.

Authoring systems
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