Book list
From IFWiki
A list of IF-related books, sorted by author's surname, and presented in reference style. Please add any books that ought to be listed here.
- Bailey, Robin W. Enchanter. Avon Books, 1989.
- Bailey, Robin W. The Lost City of Zork. Avon Books, 1991.
- Card, Orson Scott. Characters & Viewpoint. Writers's Digest Books, 1999.
- Carless, Simon. Gaming Hacks. O'Reilly, 2004.
- Cover, Arthur Byron. Planetfall. Avon Books, 1988.
- Cover, Arthur Byron. Stationfall. Avon Books, 1989.
- Crawford, Chris. The Art of Computer Game Design: Reflections Of A Master Game Designer. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media, 1984.
- Crawford, Chris. The Art of Interactive Design: A Euphonius and Illuminating Guide to Building Successful Software. No Starch Press, 2002.
- Crawford, Chris. Chris Crawford on Game Design. New Riders Games, 2003.
- Crawford, Chris. Chris Crawford on Interactive Storytelling. New Riders Games, 2004.
- Dacosta, Frank. Writing Basic Adventure Programs for the TRS-80. Tab Books, Inc., 1982.
- Effinger, George Alec. The Zork Chronicles. Avon Books, 1990.
- Firth, Roger, and Sonja Kesserich. The Inform Beginner's Guide. The Interactive Fiction Library (, 2002.
- Ford, Melissa. Writing Interactive Fiction with Twine. Que Publishing, 2016.
- Freeman, David. Creating Emotion in Games: The Craft and Art of Emotioneering. New Riders, 2004.
- Gardner, Craig Shaw. Wishbringer. Avon Books, 1988.
- Glassner, Andrew. Interactive Storytelling: Techniques for 21st Century Fiction. AK Peters, Ltd., 2004.
- Harrigan, Pat, and Noah Wardrip-Fruin. Second Person: Role-Playing and Story in Games and Playable Media. MIT Press, 2007.
- Holmes, J. Eric, M.D. Fantasy Role Playing Games. Hippocrene Books, 1981.
- Meadows, Mark S. Pause & Effect: The Art of Interactive Narrative. New Riders Press, 2002.
- McGath, Gary. COMPUTE!'s Guide to Adventure Games. COMPUTE! Publications, Inc., 1984.
- Montfort, Nick. Twisty Little Passages: An Approach to Interactive Fiction. MIT Press, 2003.
- Nelson, Graham. The Inform Designer's Manual, Fourth Edition. The Interactive Fiction Library (, 2001.
- Peterson, Dale. Genesis II: Creation and Recreation with Computers. Reston Publishing Company, 1983.
- Reed, Aaron A. 50 Years of Text Games. Changeful Tales Press, 2023.
- Reed, Aaron A. Creating Interactive Fiction with Inform 7. Course Technology PTR, 2010. With a foreword by Don Woods.
- Rouse III, Richard. Game Design: Theory & Practice. Wordware, 2001.
- Schuette, Kim. The Book of Adventure Games. Arrays, Inc., 1985.
- Wardrip-Fruin, Noah, and Pat Harrigan, eds. First Person: New Media as Story, Performance and Game. MIT Press, 2004.
- Winston, Patrick. Artificial Intelligence. Addison-Wesley, 1977.
- Vintage Game Book List at Ye Olde Infocomme Shoppe.
- Posts about IF-related books on the newsgroup