IFWiki:Software with unknown status

From IFWiki

Software only appears on our recommended lists (e.g. Glulx interpreters or Authoring systems for Windows) if marked on the database as stable.

If you have used any of the following software recently and can vouch it being in stable, working order, then please do so! (Or, if you know it's unmaintained, unavailable, or in beta, you can mark that!)

You just need to create an account, go to the software page, click "Actions - Edit with form" and tick the relevant box.

Software Type Date
6 day Authoring system
Adventure Book Authoring system
AdvSys Interpreter Authoring system
AScape Interpreter
Ashminster Interpreter Authoring system
AXMA Story Maker Authoring system
Bamboozle Utility 2024-12-13
Borogove Authoring system
CPCZVM Interpreter 2019
Creative Adventure Toolkit Authoring system
Curveship-py Authoring system
Eamon Authoring system
Escenadil Authoring system
Fizmo Interpreter 2017-09-10
FRISE Authoring system 2023-01-31
GAGS Authoring system
GAME4.0 Interpreter Authoring system 1990
Geas Interpreter
Gelek Interpreter 2021-03-11
GLUZMA Interpreter
Guncho Utility
Hatrack II Authoring system
Hugo interpreter Interpreter
HugoJS Interpreter
Hypedyn Authoring system
Jade Authoring system
Jadis Authoring system
JSZM Interpreter
Jumbo Grove Authoring system
NgPAWS Authoring system November 2021
PSZM Interpreter
QML Authoring system
Raconteur Utility
Rebot Utility
Rezrov Interpreter 2010-06-03
Salet Authoring system
ScottFree Interpreter
Slackifpy Utility
Smash Authoring system
Snavig Utility 2024-08-23
StoryHarp Authoring system April 2018
StoryNexus Authoring system
Storytron 2 Authoring system
SUDS Authoring system
Superglús Authoring system
TAVERN Authoring system
Textallion Authoring system
Texture Authoring system
Transmatte Utility 2010-03-04
Undum Authoring system
URQ Authoring system
Viola Interpreter
Wander Authoring system
Windows Frotz 2002 Interpreter
Windrift Authoring system 2021-12-26
WinPAW Authoring system 2007
XZip Interpreter
Zork Machine Interpreter and Debugger Interpreter 2016-08-29