PAX Speed-IF

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PAX Speed-IF
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Also known as PAX East Speed-IF, the sixty-eighth Speed-IF ran live on Saturday, March 27th, 1:30pm to 2:30 pm, in the IF Suite at PAX East 2010 in Boston, Massachusetts. The organizer was David A. Cornelson.

Entries from off-site were also accepted; for example, Midair Madness was written in Seattle, Washington. If you didn't attend PAX but want to submit a game, or if you already wrote a game but would like to update your game file, David Cornelson will continue to accept files over the next week.

ClubFloyd played the PAX East Speed IFs in the April 3, 2010 session.

The Premise

Write a short IF game in two hours! Actually, we'll give you until 10pm, so you can attend the rest of the convention too. Work alone or in groups. The game theme will be a surprise, but I will provide I7 and TADS 3 templates for people to jump start their work. Included in the template will be standard Infocom spellcasting capabilities which will be required for the Speed-IF. I would actually like as many people as possible to code up at least one minimally implemented spell. We'll share all the coded spells before starting the event. (Hosted by me, David Cornelson)

The Premise, developed in the IF Suite. two hours, GO!

  • Spellcasting
  • Travel trains, plains, taxis, elevators
  • Gravity changes
  • Lobster
  • GET LAMP movie
  • Mangoes
  • Fetuccini
  • Actinic
  • Queue maze
  • Irish Potato Famine
  • Revolutionary War


Note: Most games were written in Inform 7 for the Z-machine and released on 27-Mar-2010 unless otherwise noted.



Previous: Newer New Year's Speed IF / Next: Speed-IF Wrist Exercise